
How-to Fake an Excel Chart Data Table

Fake an Excel Chart Data Table Yesterday, I showed you how you can use the Horizontal Axis option of “Multi-level Category Labels” to create a...

3 Ways to Create Vertical Lines in an Excel Line Chart

Sorry I have been swamped on a new project in Australia and Singapore so my posts have been less frequent than I wish.  We...

How-to Create Sales Quota Threshold Horizontal Lines in an Excel Column Chart

Sales executives are always pushing their sales teams.  They typically do this by setting sales quota’s for their salespeople.  Quotas are thresholds or minimum...

How-to Create a Sick Leave Excel Dashboard Chart

Okay, I got an email from a SUPER FAN of my sight.  She even donated some money to help cover the costs of that...

How-to Make an Excel Stacked Area Chart Cliff

A while back, I published an article on how to make an Area Cliff Chart. Now this isn’t a standard chart type. If you use the Standard...
Line Feed in Excel Cell

Excel Line Break/Hard Return within a Cell

Most people don't know that you can put a Hard Return (Line Break) within a cell because when they hit enter Excel takes them to...

How-to Connect Gaps in a Line Chart in Excel

When you are build your Excel Dashboard Template charts, you may find that some of your data is not complete.  For instance, you may...

How-to Create a Step Chart in Excel with 3 Quick Steps

Here is the first and easiest answer to the challenge on posted on Friday. In case you missed it, you can check it out and...

Add Multiple Percentages Above Column Chart or Stacked Column Chart

I recently posted a tutorial on how you can put a percentage at the top of a Stacked Column Chart.  You can see the...

Excel Line Charts Using a Date Axis

Not sure if you knew this or not, but Excel is amazing! The makers of Microsoft Excel even went so far as to make sure...
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