
Don’s Take on the Better Sales Funnel Chart

I got a positive comment from Don and he liked the Better Excel Sales Pipeline / Sales Funnel Chart. But....he thought it lacked ***flash***! So he...

How-to Make a BETTER Excel Sales Pipeline or Sales Funnel Chart

  Learn how to make an accurate sales pipeline in Excel.  In previous posts, I have showed you how to make a sales funnel chart...

How-to Make an Excel Project Status Spectrum Chart

Here is the long awaited demonstration of a recent Friday Challenge.   The challenge was to recreate a Project Management Status Chart that I saw on...

Friday Challenge – Recreate an Excel Project Status Spectrum Chart

I am always looking for charts or anything that I can put into an Excel chart.  In fact, I just skim the Wall Street...

How-to Close the Gaps Between Chart Series in an Excel Stacked Clustered Column Chart

Many users like to create a chart that Excel doesn’t have as a chart type.  It is a combination of a clustered column and...

Stop Excel From Overlapping the Columns When Moving a Data Series to the Second...

Don’t worry, Excel is not changing your chart to a Stacked Clustered Column Chart or Stacked Bar Chart when you move a data series...

Friday Challenge – Create a Percentage (%) and Value Label within 100% Stacked Chart?

First I want to say I am sorry to those waiting to see the dynamic chart scroll bar tutorial.  My project launched this week...

Multi-Column Stacked Chart – How would you do it? – How I did it.

First, I want to say thank you, because you are an Excel fan.  Then again, maybe you are an Excel Geek?  I know I...

How-to Make a Tenant Timeline Excel Dashboard Chart

So last week, I posted this question that I responded to in an Excel forum.  I also asked you how you would solve this...

Tenant Timeline – How would you create an Excel chart for this data?

A user wanted to know how to create an Excel chart that shows when his tenant’s leases are expiring.  He wanted to put this...
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