How-to Make a Dynamic Excel Pie Chart with 4 steps in less than 4...
This is an awesome guest post from our great friend Pete. He came up with this awesome technique to make a dynamic pie chart...
Friday Challenge – Analyzing Attendance Records with Six Sigma Charts
The following is a guest post from Pete on his answer to the most recent Friday Challenge.
Pete applied his knowledge of Six Sigma to...
How-to Fake an Excel Chart Data Table
Fake an Excel Chart Data Table
Yesterday, I showed you how you can use the Horizontal Axis option of “Multi-level Category Labels” to create a...
How-to Show Text in an Excel Chart Data Table (Part 1)
Yesterday, I showed you how you can use the new label options in Excel 2013 to help Kevin with his engineering chart. But we...
Friday Challenge Solution – Excel 2013 Data Labels on a Range
In our last Friday Challenge,
Friday Challenge – Showing More Categories in an Excel Chart
we were trying to help Kevin with his problem.
He had followed...
Friday Challenge – Showing More Categories in an Excel Chart
Can you help Kevin with his problem?
Kevin saw this article:
How-to Add a Line to an Excel Chart Data Table and Not to the Excel...
How-to Create and Copy a Table in Google Mail (Gmail) from Excel
On a recent project of mine, I tasked a team member with creating a communication to send out to users. This communication involved making...
How-to Add a Line to an Excel Chart Data Table and Not to the...
Many people making Excel charts love to add a Chart Data Table to their graph. However, the Excel Data Tables are not very flexible...
Case Study – Creating a Dynamic Chart in Excel Using Offset Formula
A YouTube video subscriber Mili, wanted to know more about creating a Dynamic Excel Column Chart using Offset function. So Mili sent me the...
The Tricks to Writing a Conditional Formatting Rule Formula
When you build your Excel Dashboard, you will frequently want to use Conditional Formatting to create color callouts and other table based dashboard components. ...