
Case Study Solution – Mom Needing Help on Science Fair Graphs/Charts

Yesterday I presented a case study on assisting a mom in creating a chart for a science fair. You can read more about it here: Case...

How-to Make Excel STOP Selecting Range/Extending Range

While building your Excel Dashboard Templates, have you had the frustrating problem where Excel keeps highlighting a range of cells as you click on...

How-to Easily Create a Stacked Clustered Column Chart in Excel

Create a Stacked Clustered Column Chart in Excel There is one type of chart that is always requested, however, Excel doesn’t offer this type of...

How-to Graph Three Sets of Data Criteria in an Excel Clustered Column Chart

Here is a very simple solution to a common Excel Charting question when a user wants to graph “Three sets of data criteria on...
Friday Challenge - Find Unique Class List in Excel ANSWER

Friday Challenge – Find Unique Class List in Excel ANSWER

On Friday, I posted this challenge: https://www.exceldashboardtemplates.com/friday-challenge-find-unique-list-in-excel/ You can download the sample data set here:  Challenge Sample Data Check out the post and download / try it yourself before you...
Select Large Range Contiguous

Alternate Ways to Select Large and Non-Contiguous Ranges in Excel

Selecting Ranges in Excel Have you ever had an issue using your mouse to select a large set of data in your Excel spreadsheet?  Have...
Overlapped Horizontal Categories

3 Ways to Make Excel Chart Horizontal Categories Fit Better

Have you ever had a chart where your Horizontal Category Labels overlap each other and they are unreadable? Check out this chart to see what...

How-to Split Up Email Address Text with Excel Formulas – Part 2

In my previous Friday Challenge, Tracey wanted to know how to split up email address text in Excel.  The sample text that Tracey wanted...
Sample File of Excel Template Dashboard Tutorial Offset Function

This is the Bomb: or How I came to love the Offset function

Wouldn’t that be awesome if Excel can just change my chart every month or week when I add more data? This can happen for...

How-to Make a BETTER Excel Sales Pipeline or Sales Funnel Chart

  Learn how to make an accurate sales pipeline in Excel.  In previous posts, I have showed you how to make a sales funnel chart...
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