
How-to Add Specific RGB or HSL Colors in Your Company Chart or Dashboard

Do you want your Excel charts and dashboards to really stand out at your company? Well then you should start using custom colors in all...

How-to Create a Combo Line and Column Pivot Chart

Some Excel users can be confused when it comes to Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts.  I recently saw a post asking for this help: "Please...

Excel Pranks: Non-VBA Edition 1

We should have some fun as it is the start of a long weekend and the end of summer. So what better way to have...

Create a Excel Gantt Chart to Display a Music Festival Band Schedule

Here is Pete's answer to the recent Music Festival Schedule Challenge. In this video, see how he used Index/Match functions as well as a helper...

How-to Make a Music Festival Schedule Using Excel Conditional Formatting

Recently, I saw an Excel User posting a question about how to make this Music Festival Schedule using Excel Charts. However, he originally created the...

How-to Graph Three Sets of Data Criteria in an Excel Clustered Column Chart

Here is a very simple solution to a common Excel Charting question when a user wants to graph “Three sets of data criteria on...

How-to Easily Make a Dynamic PivotTable Pie Chart for the Top X Values

I recently had a request from a fan of the site on how they could make a dynamic pie chart with the Top 5...

How-to Display Military Time in an Excel Spreadsheet

A few days ago, I had a user ask me a question on the blog about how she can display military time in Excel. It...

How-to Create a Dynamic Excel Pivot Table Dashboard Chart

In my last 2 posts: I showed you how to setup your data in preparation for creating a dynamic dashboard chart Part 1: think-like-a-database-designer-before-creating-an-excel-dashboard-chart And then I...

How-to Insert Slicers into an Excel Pivot Table

In my last post, Think-like-a-database-designer-before-creating-an-excel-dashboard-chart we described the best way to configure your data to easily create your next dashboard. In this post, we explore the...
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