Learn SumProduct and SumIF Excel Functions

Advanced Excel Summation Skills Using SUMIFS and SUMPRODUCT

In this post, I will show you 2 other techniques that you can use to evaluate criteria and then create a sum of data...
Excel Overlapping Columns on Second Axis for 3 Series

Stop Excel Overlapping Columns on Second Axis for 3 Series

We have learned how to Stop Excel Overlapping Columns in a few posts on the site.  A reader had a follow-up question that I...

Add Vertical Line Between Columns in Excel Stacked Column Chart

Add Vertical Line Between Columns in Excel Stacked Column Chart In this tutorial, you will learn how to QUICKLY add a vertical line between columns...

How-to Draw a Straight Line with Excel Shapes

Have you ever tried to draw a straight line in Excel only to get frustrated? It can be so Frustrating :) to be off by...

How-to Create a Dynamic Excel Pivot Table Dashboard Chart

In my last 2 posts: I showed you how to setup your data in preparation for creating a dynamic dashboard chart Part 1: think-like-a-database-designer-before-creating-an-excel-dashboard-chart And then I...

How-to Fix Security Links Warnings in an Excel Spreadsheet

If you have the yellow bar show up at the top of your Excel Spreadsheet "! Security Warning - Automatic update of links has...

My Excel Worksheet Only has 65000 Rows When Saving As Excel 2013 Workbook

So that everyone can use my Excel Charts and Dashboard Templates, I typically save my files in an Excel 97-2003 format.  There are other...
Non-Offset Chart Tip

How-to Create a Dynamic Excel Chart of Last 3 Months Data Without Offset

Chart of Last 3 Months If you wanted to create a dynamic Excel chart of last 3 months of your data but didn't know how to...

Protecting Your Excel Charts and Dashboards with Array Formulas

Has this ever happened to you? You have sent your Excel Dashboard to your executive team or perhaps you have your spreadsheet on a shared...
Sum Across Excel Worksheets Tabs

How-to Easily Sum Across Excel Worksheet Tabs (Plus Friday Challenge)

Sum Excel Worksheets Technique Why haven't I known about this simple Excel technique before now? Maybe you were aware how you can easily Sum Excel Worksheets...
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