How-to Make an Excel Vertical Likert Line Chart with Categories
In the Mr. Excel forums there was a question raised on how can you create a Likert Chart or Graph using Excel. The person...
How-to Make a Basic Gantt Chart in an Excel Chart in 7 Easy Steps
Project Managers and Executives love Gantt Charts. They also love Microsoft Excel, Charts and Graphs. So it is a natural to consider how you...
How-to Make a Pass Fail Chart in Excel
Last week, I posed a Friday Challenge that was posted in a Q&A for Excel. Here it is:
Plotting a line graph to track build...
Dashboard Chart of Tiger Wood’s Money Ranking List and Golf Earnings
With the upcoming Open Championship (also known as the British Open) in Royal Lytham & St. Annes Golf Club, I wanted to see how...
How-to Create a New York Times Tiger Woods Chart in Excel
In a past article, I posted 2 different ways to make a chart that appeared in the New York Times. Here is the chart...
How-to Make a Wall Street Journal Horizontal Panel Chart in Excel
In a recent Wall Street Journal article I saw the following chart regarding Dropbox, YouSendIt and The graph describes how many people use...
Date and Time Series Issues in Excel Charts
Many users think they are getting an axis error when they say that their column or line charts are showing every date between data...
How-to Show Decades and Highlight a Year in the Horizontal Axis
Recently in an Excel Forum, a user had data similar to this format:
Here is what he wanted to do:
How do I set the Horizontal...