Friday Challenge – Chart This Data in Excel

Chart This Data in Excel

Today’s challenge is a simple one but has many answers.  You will be presented with a small set of data and I would like to see all the different charts that you think are the best.  I will post pictures of all the charts submitted next Friday, so please send me a sample of what you think represents the data in the best way.


Data and Request

Courier Dis (mi) Pkg (#) Price ($) Pkg (#) Price ($)
FedEx 5 1 16.00 5 80.00
UberRUSH 5 1 21.00 5 105.00
biolab 5 1 5.00 5 25.00
FEDEX 20 1 38.00 5 190.00
UberRUSH 20 1 66.00 5 330.00
biolab 20 1 5.00 5 25.00
FEDEX 45 1 60.00 5 300.00
UberRUSH 45 1 141.00 5 705.00
biolab 45 1 5.00 5 25.00

Client Request: “Above is a comparison of the prices of 3 courier services. What the price is at certain quantity of packages and what the prices are at various distances the courier has to travel. I am leaning towards a simple column graph, but I don’t know how to show it so I can pass along the point in a simple manner. Any suggestions? Thanks. ”


Extra Credit

If we add more data points for numbers of packages (Pkg (#)) how would you chart this data?  Same or differently?

Courier Dis (mi) Pkg (#) Price ($) Pkg (#) Price ($)
FedEx 5 1 16 5 80
UberRUSH 5 1 21 5 105
biolab 5 1 5 5 25
FEDEX 20 1 38 5 190
UberRUSH 20 1 66 5 330
biolab 20 1 5 5 25
FEDEX 45 1 60 5 300
UberRUSH 45 1 141 5 705
biolab 45 1 5 5 25
FedEx 5 10 46 20 666
UberRUSH 5 10 152 20 483
biolab 5 10 41 20 71
FEDEX 20 10 220 20 1468
UberRUSH 20 10 652 20 1742
biolab 20 10 38 20 219
FEDEX 45 10 300 20 1383
UberRUSH 45 10 805 20 6112
biolab 45 10 18 20 224


Submitting Your Answers

If you are a subscriber, you can just reply to the email received with your chart sample (So you may want to subscribe for future challenges).  Or leave a comment below and the form asks for your email.  I can then send you an email on where you can send your sample Excel chart.

If you are interested in additional Friday Challenges, you can find more Friday Challenges here.

Happy Excel-ing!
