Tiger Woods PGA Tour and Major Championship Chart

I am a fan of the PGA and Tiger Woods.  So I was really excited when I saw this post from Paresh Shah of Visual Quest.

http://www.visualquest.in/2011/08/sunday-brain-teaser-equilibrium.html  (See picture below)

Chart of Tiger Woods Victories on PGA Tour and in Majors
Tiger Woods Victories 1995 to 2011

 This is the Chart presented by Paresh Shah from the New York Times

 I liked the chart so much that I created my own Excel Dashboard Template Charts for Tiger Woods’ PGA Tournament Victories and Major accomplishments from 1996-2011 while watching Keegan Bradley win the P.G.A Championship on Sunday.

Here are my takes on the same chart in 2 different ways:

This one is an easy chart to make and uses Conditional Formating to make the Excel Chart.

Graph of Tiger Woods PGA Tour and Major Victories using Excel
Tiger Woods chart of PGA tour and major victories using Excel Conditional Formating


This one takes a little longer to make and uses a Line Chart for the circles and then I added a XY combination chart for the Labels to get a near match to the NYT Chart:

PGA Tour Victories Dashboard Chart using Excel Line and XY graphs for Tiger Woods
Excel Spreedsheet Dashboard for Tiger Woods PGA Tour victories and Major Championships Using a combination chart

It was a fun Sunday and congratulations to Keegan Bradley for his PGA Championship win.

Thanks for sharing Paresh Shah.
