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Tag: Axis Labels

Replace Numbers with Text for Excel Radar Chart Axis Values

Replace Numbers with Text in Excel Radar Chart Axis Values

Replace Numbers with Text in Excel Radar Chart Axis Values This is a cool Excel Trick that I just created based on a user request...

How-to Make a Pass Fail Chart in Excel

Last week, I posed a Friday Challenge that was posted in a Q&A for Excel.  Here it is: ***************************************************************** Plotting a line graph to track build...

Case Study Solution – Mom Needing Help on Science Fair Graphs/Charts

Yesterday I presented a case study on assisting a mom in creating a chart for a science fair. You can read more about it here: Case...

How-to Make a Wall Street Journal Horizontal Panel Chart in Excel

In a recent Wall Street Journal article I saw the following chart regarding Dropbox, YouSendIt and Box.com.  The graph describes how many people use...

How-to Show Decades and Highlight a Year in the Horizontal Axis

Recently in an Excel Forum, a user had data similar to this format: Here is what he wanted to do:   How do I set the Horizontal...
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