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Tag: Custom Marker

How-to Make an United States Flag Excel Chart (Happy 4th of July)

Happy July 4th (United States Independence Day). I am home and not working too much this holiday, but wanted to send out a post on...

How-to Create a Sick Leave Excel Dashboard Chart

Okay, I got an email from a SUPER FAN of my sight.  She even donated some money to help cover the costs of that...

USA Today Charts Part 2 – Excel Area Chart with Line and Area Highlights

Well, I have been working hard on my project and it has successfully launched.  But that took time away from my other passion, EXCEL!!! So...

Creating Excel Stacked Column Chart Label Leader Lines/Spines

In my last post, I showed you how to create a Brace/Curly Bracket/Mustache InfoGraphic type grouping in an Excel Stacked Column Chart. You can check...

How-to Recreate a NYT InfoGraphic Mustache Grouping Chart in Excel

I love trying to create an Excel chart that was originally drawn with an Infographic software package.  Back in 2011 I saw a New York...

How-to Make and Add Custom Markers in Excel Dashboard Charts

When is a picture worth a thousand words?  Definitely when you use custom markers in your Excel Charts. This will make your Excel Dashboard Charts...
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